- Our Services
Technical Translations
Certified Translations
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Explore a remote-friendly and flexible work opportunity as a translator with Schneiders Sprach Service. As a small team, we are always on the lookout for exciting talent. If you are a young professional or a seasoned veteran in handling translations, you may be interested in a cooperation with a family run company with over 30 years of experience.
Our clients come from various areas of specialty. From healthcare to education, IT to marketing, and engineering to travel and tourism, we have worked with almost everyone. You can find some of our current and previous clients featured on our website: Link to client page
We like to offer our clients translations in a timely manner and, of course, within the proposed deadline. We cannot foresee when clients will require translations, and in which language pair. However, we also have not built up a translator pool with thousands of people to contact. If you receive an agreement from us, you will be one of three translators with your specific language pair(s). For language pairs with high order volumes, we work with a larger number of freelancers.
All of our translators are freelancers. As part of the onboarding process, you will sign our freelancer agreement, which includes an NDA (non-disclosure agreement).
Currently, you will be required to manually submit your invoice before the end of the month. In the near future, this process will be improved by our in-house dashboard, in which you will be able to view your invoice in real-time.
On the last day of every month, our accounting system closes the books on work done during that month. Payment is then issued directly to your bank account within 14 days. For example, work completed in July would be “closed” on July 31st and payment would be sent during the first two weeks of August.
Yes, we ask all suitable candidates to complete a short proficiency test. Depending on your specialties, we will send you 2 translations of roughly 250 words each, covering topics such as technology, literary, or administration.
We understand that freelancers often must divide their time between many activities. When you sign a contract with us, the translation deadline will be included, and you can decide if it works within your current schedule. You may also notify us of any extended absences.
We are currently looking for freelancers to provide translations with German, English and Spanish into or from: Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Italian, Hindi, and Tamil.
Please fill out the form below and include all information needed. If you qualify, in a second step, we will start the proficiency test for your area(s) of expertise by sending you the texts to your email address. Once you send us the translation back within the timeframe provided, we will let your translation be proofread by one of our language experts for your language pair. If everything looks fine, we will be happy to make you part of our translator network.